on the balcony

Kind of laid back.

Friday, November 19, 2004

The Answer to the Problem: Dissolution.

Honest questions are an eclipse
Asked with eyes, and not the lips
And the answer always is:
"Stranger, I do not know."

Honest people rarely share
An honest answer is not there
They re-spond, true and fair:
"Stranger, I do not know."

Endless is this silly endeavour
An answer saught, simply forever
To get the food, pull the lever
And why? I do not know.

Hearts are broken, lives are shattered
Yet we press on, bruised and battered
And then we ask when it mattered
Always "Stranger, I do not know."

We all are strangers, we have our friends
And all this to our egos, tends
But who really cares? To what ends?
"Stranger, no-one knows."

How many pints do I need to drink?
My soul is a ship I need to sink!
Four? Five? or six you think?
It's an answer I need to know!

I know the place to find the truth
No it's not in a screen or telephone booth
And there is no God or Fountain of Youth
Friend, this I know.

Listen to your heartbeat, it is screaming
Your life, Life and Purpose are demeaning
Only in the question, lies the meaning.
This, friend, I know.

So, quit trying to learn your lessons
And quit with these absurd confessions
Ask yourself, not I, these questions
Because stranger, I do not know.
Because stranger, only you can know.
Stop torturing us with this doubt you sow
Please pack your things and go.

yeah! eight beers deep and i still got it! and why is it i become a poet when i drink? maybe i'll find out in my sleep. goodnight!


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