There is no wealth but life
So it turns out saving money up for Tokyo is a little harder than I had prevously assumed. I have a $40 a week allowance from my student loans, which essentially is for food, that I have been just directly depositing into my savings account for the trip. Yet, with no other income (no job yet) I have found that it is a very difficult task to maintain my habits, good and bad, on no money at all. Who would have thought?
Lately I have been hanging out with a girl named Ingrid, whom has been in my italian classes on and off from the beginning of last year, and her relatively chill group of friends. It's nice to have more of a life outside this crummy, ill-dispositioned apparment, something I haven't exactly been able to enjoy for some time now. I have also been spending time with two other guys from my social and political philosophy class, whom I origionally got to know waiting for the bus, as well as (more recently) through a few late-night study sessions. The time I have spent with these people has been like a breath of fresh air, full of drinking and intellectual conversation, which is also something I haven't exactly been blessed with the past 4-5 weeks either. And I still find time to study, ahich is nice.
I apologize for not updating as soon as I had originally implied, but I had 3 hellish midterms this week and, as most of us know, simply the pressure imposed upon us during a time like this (let alone the actual studying/etc.) is enough to make someone just want to crawl in bed and sleep the stress away. Hence, while I was not updating, I was naturally laying in bed.
On top of all the studying, reading and laying around that I have been taking part in thoughout the week, my inability to cope with stress also found me in the hair salon by campus, where I got my hair cut into bangs for the first time in my life. I know what you're thinking..."wow, what a captivating story", but for me this was a big step considering I normally break out in hives at the mere thought of even getting a trim.
Oh, by the birthday is a little over a week away (it's on the 14th)! I will be turing 20, which really does me no good whatsoever, but I'm looking foreward to in nonetheless. I feel I have to enjoy them while I still can...the way I see it, after this one, I only have one real birthday celebration left. After I turn 21, all subsequent birthdays are merely going to stand as reminders that time is passing by so much faster than I ever thought it could, silently taking with it everything I had ever promised myself to do and leaving me yet another year closer.
But one thing I do know, birthdays are a wonderful way, especially in my family, to get to spend time with so many people that love me and whom I value to an unfathomable degree. Plus, I willingly accept any excuse to get the hell out of Eugene with wide open arms.
Thats all I really have to say for now, I guess. If you want, you should check out my other blog Catholic Guilt and Grenadine sometime in the near future as I plan to be adding a few more movie and (for lack of a better word) and probably some more mindless banter from yours truely. Thanks for stopping by, take care.
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