

This weekend, as it happens, was f*ing fantastic.
I will provide for you some reasons why:
#1. I was in Portland.
#2. There was a large turnout for the Iraqi elections, which is a definite step in the right direction.
#3. A lot of people are still giving money and time to the SE Asia relief effort (at least from what I witnessed at my local parish).
#4. I finished all of my reading for the week (not normal).
#5. I now own the Japanese horror flick 'Uzumaki'. I think it's pretty cool.
#6. I went to Newport Bay Resaurant and had one of the most satisfying dinners EVER.
#7. I finally got my car back.
#8. I got to hang with Nao.
#9. I found out I am going to TOKYO, JAPAN for spring break to visit my cousin!
#@%! I also found out that BRIGHT EYES will be playing in TOKYO while I am there!!!
Yes, my friend/s (I have no hit counter)...life is good and I am smiling. My old car (a '79 240D M-Benz) is finally finished and it runs like a dream. My kickass dad overhauled and replaced the entire engine and breaks--and he even waxed it for me! He is certainly a rock-star in my book.
As for the whole Japan situation...I anticipate my experience will be something along the lines of a Takashi Miike film (if you know, you know). I have been waiting for an opportunity like this to come for so long, and not only do I get to travel--- I may even get to see my lover (Conor ;) while I'm there! I could muse about this for hours, but being lucky can be quite exhausting and a weekend of this calibur deserves to be finished off with a full sunday-night's sleep.
I have so much more to say, about a whole lot of things...so if you care to know, keep in touch.
Oyasumi Nasai!!!!