on the balcony

Kind of laid back.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Whose Fault is It?

Ruhr District, Germany Posted by Picasa

This is a photo that I took in the Ruhr District in Germany, where the US National soccer team disgraced our nation with their complete lack of performance today at the World Cup against the Czech Republic. These "players" showed us today that they would rather go out giving nothing than risk losing after giving their best. I think that they showed a very selfish side.
So, on that note, I hope Ghana can kick some Czech and US ass and make it as far as they can, perhaps get the chance to show what they can do against Brazil, because our team doesn't deserve that chance.
I suppose if they redeem themselves by showing what they are really made of against Italy, which if they really tried they may even be able to pull off a draw, then they may gain back my respect.
It upsets me that the US, as far as most group sports go, are just a larger than life cliche of that group of kids that was popular in high school and did their best for the rest of their lives never to let go of those times. Inside the US, for the "world" series, the NBA "world" championships, in the NHL, our players boast about how immortal they are on the court or whatever, then when they are presented the opportunity to go out and show what they are made of in the international area, they are just shaking in their boots. I say that they are afraid of going anywhere where their reputation hasn't already been established. (Like the group of 'popular' kids that STILL only hang out with eachother and talk about the good old days even though those times were over 3, 5, even 10 years before.)
They are a burden to our national integrity, and I think that they need to understand this. Ally those basketball players that won't play in the Olympics because they don't get paid enough, or all those soccer players who put more energy into digesting food than into winning a match, should no longer get credit that they don't deserve. It's like boasting to have the best, most free and opportunistic society and then insisting that it ought not be shared with anybody unless (they sign a contract with Coca-Cola, Bud Light or Halliburton or something, of course!). What a shame what a shame.


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