Sasquatch! Music Fest - 900 degrees - May 2005
Bloc Party! UK get down!
Blue Scholars rappin about the NW and American society. Buy their CD if you can find it. Do it.
The best pic I could get of the Arcade Fire. Damn the tall people!
Kanye Chi-town Hip-Hop Blah Blah Blah
You would be able to tell that was Wilco if my camera didn't suck. Or if I didn't suck. Well, guess they didn't suck so to hell with it all!
Joanna Newsom. Chick with a harp, a crazy voice and a knack for sweet poetry. Less pop-oriented music afficianados ought to check out her work. I'd say she's on my top 10.
A modestly beautiful backdrop, I would like you to notice, for a not-so-much-anymore Modest Mouse.
Is this photo better than the last? ...more Modest Mouse.
Was this the Pixies during the first version of Wave of Mutilation, or the second? Hmmm...I can't remember.
My pal Hannah and an irradiated me. Pink is the new black, right? Yeah, I'm still stylin'.
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