on the balcony

Kind of laid back.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Koko ni yoko kuru?

Well, I'm off to Tokyo tomorrow, I will be taking many, many pictures, being very, very confused and alliviating my vexations with liquor which I will purchase there from a vending machine. Yes.

I'll update when I return on the 24th. Maybe sooner...but from what I know about Japan, everything is very primitive and they shun technology, so if I don't find a 'computer' with 'internet capabilities'....too bad. I'll try.

To all who bothered stopping by: domo arigato gozai mashita, konban wa! Buona vacanza di marzo!


  • At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I pray to god you're joking. You couldn't a block without running into a computer with an "internet" connection. I'm sure you're joking, you have to be.

  • At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha yes i joke i kid. actually, there arent very many internt cafes that i have seen, but everyone has crazy cell phone pocket computer things that i assume basically eliminate the need for actual computers. its awesome.


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