Out of my system


Last night, at about 2:30-3:00 am, I decided to get online and get some surfing in before I passed out. I had been drinking a bit with my pal Ingrid, relaxing and watching Requiem for a Dream when I noticed she had fallen asleep...what else was I to do?
Anyways, out of habit I checked up on one of my good friend's sites to see if he had updated since the last time I visited (earlier that evening). During the previous visit, I commented on a post which addressed Donnie's sentiment concerning the 'anti-establishment/anti-everything craze. I said that it is true in that is utterly obnoxious when silly kids go out of their way to rattle off their anti-societal feelings (especially when irrelavent to whatever is being discussed) just to let everyone know how trendy they are, to score 'scene points' and such, but that one must appriceate that being aware of the horrid state of things (ie with our current government and modern society) is far more productive than caring about silly, artificial material culture. In the post, he said something along the lines of being annoyed by how many kids are wearing Che Guevara shirts, so in my comment I stated that I would rather see some dumbass wearing a one of these shirts than rocking a Hollister shirt.
In summary, most of the comments that followed were either agreeing with what Donnie said in the post or mocking the pseudo-rebel kids. Of course, the 'today, people automatically hate whatever is cool' card was played, along with the 'if it makes you happy, there should be no problem with it' routine. Okay, so it's not so much as a routine as it is a feeble point all depending on who it's coming from.
I guess I just got frustrated. I know Donnie has a head on his shoulders and plays fair, so I ain't got no beef with him, it's just scary to critisize people for trying to be active members of their society. If they obviously don't know what their talking about, either ignore them or correct them. Just don't put them to shame! Maybe these idiots, in thier striving to come off as politically aware, will take a politics class, a philosophy class or some sociology and become truely enlightened about what they had been blathering about before. Shit, then they might actually DO something about it instead of merely giving opinions about this or that all day long. Or maybe not, but I think it's worth letting them roll with it as opposed to making them feel stupid.
Over the course of this school year, a lot of what I felt about life, our culture and the antics of our government have materialized into who I am today. Last term, following some unfortunate events concerning permanently parting ways with one of my extremely close friends, I decided to say "fuck people" for a while, and take some time to sort things out and touch bases with myself on where I was going and what the hell was going to do with myself from then on out. I mostly kept to myself; my main activities centered around music, reading, blogging, self reflection and observing what was going on in my immediate surroundings, as well as in the world in general. I came to realize a hell of a lot, more than I could even try to touch on in a single post. I have changed significantly, and lately my struggle has been coming to terms with how my life is changing regarding my relationships with others, my beliefs, my social responsibility and whether it's all worth the trouble.
So far, I have found that relationships at this age tend to cause more grief than they merit. So I guess I have been focusing my energy on ignoring all the artificial bullshit and focusing on what it real. It's a tough raquet, I must say, but as of yet I'm convinced it's been worth the energy I have put into it and it's damn good at building character.
Ah, it's nice to have that out of my system. For now, I have some heavy drinking and laughing and living to do...so I think that is all for today. I do reccomend checking out my friend Donnie's site from time to time, it's pretty sweet and he is (supposedly) coming out with a new design he has been working on for a while. Anyways, take care and try to enjoy yourself...despair is overrated.
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