Hello. I have decided to post again. So...although nobody reads this except soliciters...I would like to say that I am having an amazing time o'er here in Europe. Update: I have now seen lots of Denmark, as well as Oslo, Stockholm, Göteburg, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, a lot of the Ruhr District (western Germany), Amsterdam, Prague and Barcelona. Tomorrow very early I leave to Paris, then I will be back in Cologne to spend Karneval with some freinds, then off to Italia to see the motherland and meet some of the Fam. (Excuse the silly, stereotypical american slurs but it amuses me to use them in such a context as europe)
I Will see Pompeii, Palermo, Cosenza/Grimaldi (the roots), Venice and Rome. Meeting my family down there will be a trip seeing as they aren't so keen on english. Mamma Mia. Wish me luck.
So far I have made myself some fancy expuriences, some fancy friends and found myself a civilized German boy to make my life in Europe suitable to my tastes. And my boy, se llama Simon, will hopefully will be able to join me in the NW-US this coming fall.
Well, thats enough for now, I have some beer to finish and sleep to get. So...until next time...Auf Wiedersehen.