I am very excited to start school, as I am lead to believe the manner in which the classes are taught is significantly different and far more progressive than most other universities in the world. Also, it doesn't seem that there are any other international students participating in the Psychology program I am enrolled in, so I will probably be spending a lot of time with danish students, as opposed to the American students I have met. It seems the americans are really trying to stick together and I'm not very into that. I have made many friends from Germany, Canada, Italy and Austrailia whom I like very much.
One thing I have been struggling with here is my nationality. Of course, I have yet to meet anyone who has given me trouble about being from the US, but it seems people are less interested in Americans, like we're not very token among the groups of other international students or maybe we're not taken as seriously. I have only been here for about two weeks so I can't say that this is true, but it is just the impression I've gotten. Maybe it's just me, which is quite possible. Who knows.
Okay...I have just read over what I have written so far and my style is terrible! I have already had some conversations with my other enlish-speaking friends about something like this. We have noticed that being around people who are speaking english as a second language has effected our vocabulary and the level of complexity in which we speak. I find this very interesting, yet also very frustrating as I compare previous posts to this one. I fear that speaking simply may lead to thinking more simply and thats not going to help me at all. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, as with everything. Alright, I only have so much time alotted to use the computer and I need to get my web-surfing fix, so I think my rambling will end for now. Hopefully I will be able to update more often once I am on campus more. So, until next time...thanks for stopping by and take care!